I AM Taking It ALL BACK!!!!



All it took was me believing that it was possible!!!

I was always giving of others but not to myself. So use to everyone depending on me  or coming to me for advice. Some where along the way I lost self……I started losing sight of who I was and things began spinning out of control on an emotional level for me and physical.
It all started when I realized that I was so unhappy with myself and my body that I was letting the depression, that I ‘m already dealing with, take over my life. It was ruining my relationship with my family and my friends. I was the only one who could make it stop.
Then I decided I had to do something about it. So I started focusing more on me..

It wasn’t easy at times because depression has a funny way of showing its head when you least expect it. You know it’s taking a lot for me to share this…I guess because I’m such a private person…I’m what you call an introvert. But I love helping others and inspiring them in any way possible, you  know that’s what everyone tell me that they love about me.

2017 I have decided to take back everything that was stole from me.. I AM Taking It ALL BACK!!!!  Starting with my inner and outer self…so I have challenged my self for 21 days of only fruits, juices& vegetables. Which I have already started, it consists of me focusing more on eating health  and I want tone and strengthen my muscles while flatting my core (tummy). So I will be starting a different  21 day challenge on Monday that will consist of exercise routes incorporated into my schedule that targets specif areas of the body for the results I’m looking for.

Below  a picture some of items I have to started my challenge with.


I set  have new goals, ordered my next program and decided it was time for me to help other women like me find their confidence again and fuel their souls!!!
#CoachYolanda #transformations #YourStoryStartsHere #teamLifeofSimplicity #JoinMe

If this has inspired you in any way or you know someone it will. Please feel free to like,share or comment.


To Your Success,


How To Commit TO Your Goal for 2017

To Make 2017 Your Best Year Ever

Where ever your energy goes that what grows!buddha-quotes-300x293


So let’s get started….In the past, have you ever made a a goal only to burn out a month or two in? Have you started out strong and inspired, and then lost motivation? It’s not at all uncommon! But I’m here to HELP you make THIS YEAR’S  Goals STICK!!!


Part of the reason people burn out so fast is because they set themselves up for failure from the start. I know that sounds harsh, but hear me out..they often times put too much pressure on themselves and try to change everything at , without taking any time to adjust. They swiftly become exhausted from their new lifestyle and go back to their old ways. Believe it or not, simply making new DECISIONS is tiring in itself, let alone breaking out of your comfort zone to stick with your goals.


How do I set and Achieve realistic Goals


  1. Give Yourself a Time frame (ex.45-60 days)
  • Your Goals is suppose to stretch you ..not stress you! So be realistic if you think you can in 30 days give yourself 60 days..so just in case you don’t get It done in 30 at least you know you can in 60 days .


2. Set Goals s that motivate you by making sure they are important to you. And that there is value when you achieve your goals. You can create a vision board so you can see your goals before you daily…This is what I  love to to do..I have them all over my house to keep focused on my goals and my why?


  • When you set them only share with people who will  build you lift you up and support you…not dream killers and nay says…everyone may not support. There will be times you will have to walk alone..but just know your earth angels are with you and guiding you. And before you know it you will have reached your goals! 🙂


3. Make sure write it down.. I know you have heard the say “”write the vision make it plan” when you do that it becomes clear to you and more obtainable for you.

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4. Put a date on it!

One of the best ways to knock out a goal is to put it on your calendar. If you put a stake in the ground and impose a date on yourself, you’re much more likely you are going to reach it.Live fully, live it up and reach your goals. There’s room in your life to have it all.

To Your Success…


If you thought this was helpful please feel free comment and share.